This is happening. Your freshman is packing their bags and getting ready to move into their new digs for their first semester in college. There are a lot of emotions that come with this big step for parents, from excitement, to pride, to nervous energy, to complete fear. And not necessarily in that order. If you’ve been through this before with an older child, you know exactly what I’m talking about. And every student’s experience with this transition is different, so stick with me as I share with you my top tips for making sure this move goes as smoothly as possible.

If you haven’t done so already, please download my Freshman Year Roadmap (or forward it to a parent who can benefit). I have some of my best strategies for those first few weeks on campus, which can really set the tone for first-semester success. You can download it here:

I like to use the acronym FREE to outline the best strategies for this transition. And while college is not free, take comfort in knowing that my tips are:

FAMILIARIZE yourself with the campus. After locating their dorm, make sure your student gets the lay of the land. Knowing where their classes are going to be held, where the dining halls are, the library, and student services will give your student the confidence they need to navigate their way on campus.

Campus RESOURCES are a must to have on their radar. It’s important that your student knows where to go for help. This includes tutoring centers, counseling services, professors’ office hours, student health services, and emergency services. Make sure they have this information programmed in their phone so it is at their fingertip, should they need it.

Set clear EXPECTATIONS with your student before you leave campus. What are your academic and financial expectations? Do they have a budget? How often do you want to communicate? It’s best if you negotiate these details in advance so you are all on the same page.

And finally, ENGAGE on campus. The students who get involved with clubs and activities tend to find their people sooner. Does your child plan to rush a fraternity or sorority? Are they athletic and like the idea of getting involved with intramural sports? Or are they more into guest lectures or student government? College life provides so many opportunities to discover where their interests lie. Encourage them to pick something, try it out, and see where it leads.

Now it’s time to give them a hug and let them experience their first semester. They know you love them and are there at a moment’s notice. You’ve got this. Congrats on getting your child to this point! And if you are feeling like you could use a little support, don’t hesitate to schedule a complimentary call below.

Investing in your college student’s well-being and success now can pay off in the long run.
By helping them address any challenges or issues early on, you can set them up for a successful college experience and a bright future..

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