
Coaching Resources

Freshman Year Roadmap

Download my FREE Freshman Year Roadmap which is a helpful tool to plan for your young adult’s first steps on campus in the fall.


Get a free copy of Kim’s book, “Rock Freshman Year: Your Roadmap to the Ultimate College Experience”

College is a Full-Time Job

College is a Full-Time Job

Recently one of my clients called me for our scheduled session, and she was poolside in a bathing suit on a Tuesday afternoon. I asked her how she was spending her day before her 6 PM class, and she said, “I don’t have anything due tomorrow. I have an exam on Friday....

Ready, Reset, Go!

Ready, Reset, Go!

Welcome, 2024! With the new year upon us, and as the spring semester begins, it’s a great time to reflect and reset. This is true for parents and students alike, although it often looks very different for each of you. Parents, I challenge you to take a moment to...

This is Happening

This is Happening

This is happening. Your freshman is packing their bags and getting ready to move into their new digs for their first semester in college. There are a lot of emotions that come with this big step for parents, from excitement, to pride, to nervous energy, to complete...


How much do you charge for coaching services?

I offer individual coaching packages based on your unique needs, budget, and desired outcome. I recommend a coaching commitment for a minimum of one uninterrupted semester in order to successfully measure results. Please schedule a get acquainted call today to discuss your child’s unique situation.

What exactly is coaching?

Coaching is a powerful partnership designed to move an individual forward on their goals. Coaches are trained to hold the client accountable, listen objectively, and help determine what may be stopping them from achieving the results they desire. Unlike therapy, which largely deals with the past, coaching is about meeting you where you are now and determining the necessary steps required to get you where you want to be.

How do I know if my child is a good candidate for coaching?

If your child wants to have the best possible college experience, openly communicates, is engaged, and is open to the idea that two heads are better than one, coaching is for them. It’s important that they are bought into the process.

What results can I expect?

Academic success, clarity around majors, powerful decision-making skills, improved communication, increased confidence, rich relationships, and a fully engaged college experience are some of the many results you can expect from a coaching relationship. My desire is that your child learns how to balance their college career in a healthy and happy way.

Do you only coach college freshmen?

Absolutely not! Whether your child is a sophomore, junior, or senior, transferring from a junior college, or taking a year off, coaching will help. Sophomores often benefit from course-correcting some of the habits they picked up as a freshman to get clear on their major. Juniors and seniors use coaching to move forward on bigger goals to set them up for success after college. Transfer students can benefit by fully preparing for the rigors of a major university after their time at the junior college level. All students have unique needs, and coaching is a great way to get them the results they desire.

What if my child misses a scheduled call?

It is important that your child respects the time we’ve set aside to work together. That said, I understand that life happens, and will accommodate changes in schedules with at least a 24-hour notice. Your child is allowed to reschedule 1 missed session without penalty. All additional missed calls will result in a charged call.

How can I convince my child to work with you?

Unless I’ve had previous interaction with your child, most will initially resist coaching. They don’t yet understand the coaching relationship and how it will benefit them. The most important point is to let them know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with them. Coaching is not therapy or tutoring. They won’t be analyzed, judged, micromanaged, or fixed. Coaching is for progressive students who want to take themselves on in a big way. I also suggest you have them read the testimonials page, as most students will resonate with some experience shared by these real-life examples.
In all my coaching packages, I begin with a “get acquainted” call and explain how the relationship will work. Once we meet, they quickly realize that coaching is fun, engaging, and a way to fully support their goals and dreams. There is no agenda, and everything is about them. What kid doesn’t want to talk to someone solely focused on them for 30 minutes?

May I contact you to discuss my child’s progress?

Of course, you may contact me to discuss your child. However, it’s important to understand that the coaching relationship is confidential, and I cannot share the details of our calls. Confidentiality may only be broken if there is a concern that your child is a danger to themselves or others.
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