I have always been a big fan of the New Year.  I’m not a New Year’s Resolution person, but it is helpful to reflect on the previous year and take a close look at what worked and what didn’t.  A fresh start.  A reset, so to speak.

This is a terrific time for students to look at their results in the fall semester and consider what they may want to do differently in the spring.  Are they happy with their grades?  Is there that one class that is a bit challenging?  How about their social life?  Are they taking advantage of every opportunity on campus to really maximize results?  How are their friendships?  The list goes on.

As your student is heading back to school for the spring, ask them some of these questions:

  1. If you had a do-over for the fall semester, what would it be?
  2. What is one habit you would like to improve upon?
  3. If you took one risk this spring that could make a big difference in your life, what would it be?

The first step to creating different results is to begin thinking about what you may want a little differently.  Run some of these questions by your child and see if it gets them thinking about something more, better, or different.

Here’s to an incredible 2023 and a successful spring!

Investing in your college student’s well-being and success now can pay off in the long run.
By helping them address any challenges or issues early on, you can set them up for a successful college experience and a bright future.